Subhash Shipu






To redirect a page in PHP, you can use the header() function, which sends a raw HTTP header to the browser. Here's an example...
There are three types of errors in PHP:Notices: These are the lowest level of errors and are used to alert the developer to potential...
$_SESSION is a built-in PHP superglobal variable that is used to store and retrieve session data across different pages on a website. A session is...
MX records, also known as Mail Exchange records, are DNS (Domain Name System) records that specify the mail server(s) responsible for handling email messages...
In PHP, isset and empty are used to check whether a variable has a value or not, but they have different definitions and behaviors. isset()...
WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) used to create websites, blogs, and online stores. It's built using PHP and uses a...

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